Upcoming Events for CILT

CILT Technical Visit: Dublin Airport Control Room
When: Monday 16th of February 2015
Where: Dublin Airport Control Room, Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin
Time: 16.30-17.30hrs
The Eastern Section of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport will host a technical visit to the Dublin Airport Control Room visit on Monday, 16th Feb at 16.30hrs – 17.30hrs. The Dublin Airport Control Room manages all the functional elements of the Airport which includes: Telephone Exchange, Information Services, Job Control, Taxi Control Desk, and Terminal Services Officer, Stand and Gate Planning and Allocation etc.
There is limited availability for those wishing to attend this event. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. To book a place at this event, please contact Michael at michael@cilt.ie
The CILT Annual Dinner & ILTA’s 2015
When: Thursday, March 19th 2015
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Burlington Road, Dublin 4.
Time: 19.00hrs
We are delighted to announce the return of The Irish Logistics and Transport Awards, which will take place on Thursday, March 19th 2015 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Burlington Road, Dublin 4.
The deadline for entries is Wednesday, January 21st 2015. Please see the How to Enter and Enter Online pages as well as our Entry Guide for more instructions on how to submit your entry. Also, please feel free to email us on info@iltawards.ie or phone 01 407 0595.
To view the 2014 ILTA’s video please click on the following link: http://vimeo.com/89818202
Transport Ireland 2015
When: Wednesday 25th March 2015
Where: Chartered Accountants House, Dublin
Time: 09.00-14.00hrs
Transport Ireland®, now in its eighth year, has firmly established itself as the annual conference event for the transport sector in Ireland. The 2015 conference will bring together all the key players from across Ireland, north and south, to focus on the important issues facing transport policy-makers and senior managers in the transport sector.
An expert speaker panel will look at key issues including:
Transport policy priorities International outlook for transport sector
Public transport investment The Dublin port masterplan
Exploring travel behaviour
Strategic framework for investment in land transport Understanding customer needs
Compressed natural gas as a transport fuel
Speakers include:
Paschal Donohoe, TD, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport
José Viegas, Secretary General, International Transport Forum
Dr Matthew Niblett, Secretary-General, Independent Transport Commission
Enda Treacy, Senior Manager, EY
Dan FitzPatrick, Strategic Planning Manager,CNG, Gas Networks Ireland
Anne Graham, Chief Executive Officer, National Transport Authority
Eamonn O’Reilly, Chief Executive, Dublin Port
Jim Meade, Director, Railway Undertaking, Irish Rail
To view the full conference programme click here
Don’t miss this important conference and the opportunity to hear directly from key players in the sector.
To register:
Online: www.eolasmagazine.ie/events
Email: registration@eolasmagazine.ie
Telephone: +353 (0)1 661 3755
Eastern Section Student Awards 2015
When: Wednesday 25th of March 2015
Where: Dublin Institute of Technology, Aungier Street, Dublin 2
Time: 18.00hrs
The Eastern Section of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Ireland will host its Annual Student of the Year Awards 2015 on Wednesday 25th of March 2015. This special awards event will take place at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Aungier Street, Dublin 2 at 18.00hrs.
Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation Damien English T.D. will give a key note address on the night along with presenting the winners with their prizes.
CILT UK Study Tour To Wuppertal & Dusseldorf – July 2015
When: 11th of July – 19th of July 2015
Where: Wuppertal & Dusseldorf, Germant
CILT UK have organised Transport Study Tours annually for a number of years. They would welcome any International members who would like to attend the 2015 tour in Germany. Tour details, the programme and the booking form are attached. Please do make your members aware of this opportunity.
To download a copy of the programme please click here…
To download a booking form please click here…
Enquiries and booking forms should be sent directly to Andrew Dartnell at friesian@btopenworld.com
European Supply Chain Day: Inspiring a Generation
When: 16th of April 2015
Where: CEVA’s Centre of Logistics Excellence, Ashby de la Zouch
To Mark this year’s Annual European Supply Chain Day on 16th April, CILT UK will be hosting a unique event. As the event coincides with the holidays, CILT and CEVA will be working on the theme: Bring your child to work, not only to engage the current generation of logistics experts, but also to excite and intrigue potential future members of the profession. The focus of the day is to be fun and educational and will feature a tournament based on the CILT-sponsored Business on the Move board game. The winner will receive at least one copy of the game to take back to his or her school. Each participant will receive a CILT certificate for attending.
Event Organisers Lynn Mentiply and William Jones hope to announce soon the names of various speakers who will be at the event. The speakers will give presentations centred on the aviation section that it is hoped will inspire, excite and inform children between the ages of 8 and 16.
Further information, website: www.ciltuk.org.uk/supplychainday